Fluorescence in Springhare
During an expedition, I was leading in Southern Africa in August 2019. I made an accidental discovery in Kubu island in Botwanas’s Makgadikgadi Saltpan out whilst searching for scorpions under UV.
Subsequent research found that at the time were was no Information or reference anywhere publicly that this trait had been known. I had made the first observation and documentation of natural Fluorescence in wild mammal out of the North and Central America, whilst only a small number of species of a opossum and new world flying squirrel had been documented Previously. The Springhare “South African springhare (Pedetes capensis)”
Shoot with a Nikon D850 ( Handheld ) with a Nikkor 24-70mm F2.8 with a Nitecore Chameleon C6 UV hand torch ( 365nm UV )